0-12 Months

Talk, read and play, everyday

Talking, reading and playing from birth helps to build connections in your child’s brain.  It also helps your child to learn new words. It might feel strange at first, especially if they are a baby. But all these moments add up to make a big difference! You don’t need fancy equipment. Your child’s best toy […]

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What kind of face is this?

Children learn by copying what they see. In this activity your child can show what they feel and see what that looks like. It will help them learn about feelings and how to express them. They can also learn  to recognise feelings in others, which can help them to get along with other people.  What

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Baby’s special treasure box

Babies and toddlers love to explore! Everything is new to them, and they find fun and wonder in everyday things. They learn by exploring shapes, tastes, smells, sounds, and textures. In this activity, babies will have fun pulling objects out of a container, and examining them in different ways. By talking with your baby about

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Making music in the kitchen

This is a great, fun, LOUD activity that lets your child break loose and explore their musical selves. But it’s not just about the music – children are thinking and exploring when they play with household items. They learn new words and start to understand counting and rhythm.  What do I need? Choose anything you

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Follow the beat leader

This is a fun listening game that you and your child can play together at any time. While playing this game, children are learning about rhythm, how to take turns and counting.  What do I need? Just you and your child. How do I do it? With your child looking at you, say “My turn”

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Becoming a butterfly

Let your child take flight as they discover  how caterpillars change into butterflies. This game helps your child develop their balance, as well as their awareness of their head and body. Note – this game won’t suit every child. If they are uncomfortable being rolled up in the blanket, you could be the one to

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Water xylophone

Create a clever instrument at home. This is simple but fun and your child can make some great sounds. When they listen, they can notice the different sounds and start to make musical tunes.  What you’ll need: Glass bottles, jars or glasses (same size is best but not necessary) Water Pencil, stick or chopstick Food

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Hide and seek with teddy

Peek-a-boo, where are you? How do we find Teddy hiding in the house? With some clues of course! This game lets your child develop language to describe parts of your house, and it also helps develop their problem-solving skills.  Have fun hiding and finding Teddy! What do I need? A teddy bear or another favourite

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A very special bakery

Cooking is such a great thing to do with your child! They discover new words, learn about quantity and measurement, as well as processes and instructions. Most importantly, they get to eat the yummy results of their efforts. If they are proud of their cooking, and you know of some customers, they could even open

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Child and Family Learning Centres

CFLCs are places for children from birth to five years with their parents, caregivers and family, and expectant parents, in their local community. CFLCs are places to play, connect with other families, and access free services and supports in your local community. Each CFLC offers different programs to suit their local communities. Connect with a

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