The great outdoors

A love of the great outdoors comes naturally to some children and can be encouraged in others. But one thing is certain: the outdoors offer a lot for your child!

As well as an appreciation of nature and the wonders of the natural world, when you get out and about in your own backyard or local park, there are many opportunities for learning.

Children can develop vocabulary and oral language skills, their imaginations and their observation skills.

Here are some ideas to inspire their adventures and learning.

Cloud watching

Lie back on the grass with your child and look at the clouds. Describe what you can see.

Ask what they can see. What do the clouds look like? What shapes can you see?

Sounds in nature

Listen to the sounds you can hear – tree leaves rustling in the wind, a dog barking, a plane overhead, water running, a car driving by…

Talk about these sounds.

We are going on a bug hunt!

Go on a bug hunt to see what small creatures you can find. You can even take photo to create a ‘collection’.

Seasons change

Observe and discuss the seasonal changes that you can see around you.

Are the leaves starting to change colour? Do the trees have any birds’ nests in them? Look at the blossoms!

Green thumbs

Involve your child in gardening and other outside chores, and talk about what you are doing.

The best part for your kids will be getting their hands dirty!

Become a fixer

Find things that need a quick repair job – from a nail in the back fence, fittings on the hoses that need tightening, or a bit of a tidy up.

Talk about what you are doing and why. Maybe your child can be your apprentice.

Washing day

Get your kids to sort the washing as it is pegged up and comes off the line. 

They can choose how they want to sort it. Will they do it by colour? Maybe by clothing type? Or, by who the clothes belong to.

You only need to step outside, to explore and learn!